Day after day
night after night
keep hoping things will turn out all right
Dream after dream
sigh after sigh
I turn my face up to the evening sky
I just want someone
to believe
that I can
it would feel so nice
a taste of paradise
if I just had someone to believe
I was a 7 year old
shoving permission slips under my mom's nose
“just sign here” -- I handed her the pen (‘cause I was going)
I was a high school girl
claiming I’d see the world
(Stockholm really is a magical place)
I just want someone
to believe
that I can
it would feel so nice
some sugar to my spice
if I just had someone to believe
I know they see things through their limitations,
but can’t they just encourage my ruminations?
I just want someone
to believe
that I can
it would feel so nice
a taste of paradise
if I just had someone to believe
I just want someone to believe